Sage Janitorial provides hospitable cleaning services, with a focus on great customer service, to the multi-family real estate industry.


Our Company Values

  • Passionate People Make a Great Company

  • Communication is Listening

  • Quality is Doing It Right the First Time

  • Great Service Leads to Happy Customers

  • We Are Your Eyes and Ears

  • Build Trust Once, and Keep it

Hi! We’re Norm and Ming, a husband and wife team who’s rooted in the service industry. We founded Sage Janitorial on the simple, but often-overlooked concepts of providing great hospitality and service.

Oftentimes, multi-family janitorial companies make far-reaching promises that may come to fruition at the beginning of their tenure, but their level of service inevitably drops off once they’ve established themselves at a property and think that nobody’s watching.

As an apartment and condominium/community association manager for over a decade and counting, Norm experienced this first hand and struggled through keeping his contracted janitorial companies engaged and at the top of their game. He found that no matter the feedback or provided direction, janitorial companies stopped caring after “closing the deal”. Norm and his colleagues were spending valuable time chasing their janitorial staff to complete tasks they promised to tackle, following up on requested work orders, and fielding and resolving complaints from unsatisfied, building residents.

Thinking of these all-too-common problems in the industry, we asked ourselves, “How can we do better? What can we do to provide property owners and property managers with the level of service they require and deserve, so they can concentrate on the things that matter most in their everyday lives?” By answering these questions, we created a framework that would become values by which Sage Janitorial would operate.

These values guide our team of passionate people past hurdles experienced by others and provide a roadmap that allows us to communicate by listening, to provide quality work because we listened, to lead our customers towards happiness in our service, to be our customers’ eyes and ears at their properties, and to earn our customers’ trust and never lose it.

Specifically, we understand the everyday struggles a property manager or owner experiences in keeping their properties in tip-top shape. Because we have a deeper understanding of what goes behind the management of a multi-family property - that your time is best spent providing service to your residents, managing your investment’s operations, and ensuring it’s running at fullest efficiency - we’re able to make some promises to our customers.

We promise to:

  • be an extra set of eyes and ears at your property

  • find opportunities to go above and beyond

  • report anything that may seem out of place or might require your attention (i.e. personal property stored in common areas, possible violations of building rules, etc.)

  • take care of the small but important things to save you the trouble of making an extra trip to your property (i.e. checking and setting timers, posting notices, etc.)

  • fulfill our responsibility of providing you with a clean property that your residents are proud to call home, leading to better, resident retention rates and property values